The Shelf Journal #5

The Shelf Journal #5 – Plethora Magazine – Double-page II
The Shelf Journal #5 – Danny la malice – Ouverture
The Shelf Journal #5 – Jean-Jacques Rullier – Double-page I
The Shelf Journal #5 – Peter Saville – Double-page
The Shelf Journal #5 – Vidéo
The Shelf Journal #5 – Laurel Parker – Double-page II
The Shelf Journal #5 – Couverture
The Shelf Journal #5 – Garde
The Shelf Journal #5 – Plethora Magazine – Double-page I
The Shelf Journal #5 – Ed Ruscha – Double-page I
The Shelf Journal #5 – Jean-Jacques Rullier – Double-page II
The Shelf Journal #5 – Danny la malice – Double-page
The Shelf Journal #5 – Ed Ruscha – Double-page II
The Shelf Journal #5 – Laurel Parker – Double-page I
The Shelf Journal #5 – Tauba Auerbach – Double-page II